Friday, September 9, 2011

Cold Shower...
One of the more troubling realities here is the discrepancy between rich and poor. I have read that at least half of Colombia's population lives in poverty. As with many developing nations, the rich are super rich and the poor or desperately poor. These are realities I can understand, even if I absolutely don't agree with them.
However, what I really can't understand is the consistent exploitation of the poor by the rich. For example, the apartment we live in was built for the wealthy who can afford beach side property. The apartment has air conditioning in every room, except the maid's room and the area where the washer and dryer are, presumably the area where the maid would work most of the day. I was so sad to see this. The temperatures here can reach one hundred with high humidity on any given day. Why make those who work to make the rich more comfortable, miserable? The group of people who work as domestic employees already live in abject poverty and get paid a minimum wage. Why not give them the benefit of air conditioning??? One of my pet peeves.
I am sure this is not only happening in Colombia. I have seen Egyptian domestic workers also being treated poorly.
The privileged in any country have a responsibility not to exploit those who did not happen to be born into wealth.

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