Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Only in Colombia (maybe)

Here are some observations of behavior I have not seen in the U.S. or Egypt or any of the European countries I have visited. (this is not to say any of these don't happen in other countries, only that I have not witnessed it)
  • While standing in line a the local supermarket, a man waiting behind me cracked open a beer and started drinking it. When I remarked on this to my friend she informed me that there is no law prohibiting drinking anywhere in Cartagena, not even while driving. (yikes)
  • While at the food court in the mall, saw a group of people (adults and children) eating fried chicken while wearing plastic gloves. I am told that Colombians do not like to get their hands greasy while eating.
  • Saw a Santa with a blue costume instead of red and the elves around Santa had on blue outfits instead of red and green. The display was for a local cell phone service provider. However, the display only looked like the Smurfs have taken over the world and no longer allow Santa to dress in red. They were very good sports and allowed us to take pictures.
  • Along with taxi cabs, there are motor taxis. These are motorcycles (scooters in some cases) that offer rides for payment. Now, many things are not a great idea about this, the first being, I have seen children riding on their parents laps on these things; second, there is a helmet law here and the motor taxi driver has to carry around an extra helmet for the passengers, so that means complete strangers are sharing whatever germs and hair oils are in that helmet; finally, the streets get very flooded here when it rains and during high tide, these small motor cycles simply drive through any amount of water, this does not seem safe for either the passengers or the motorcycle itself.
Now, these are just a few of the observations, I will add more as I experience more of the unique culture that is Cartagena, Colombia.

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